Animal Shelter Social Media
Purrfect Pals Cat Sanctuary & Adoption Centers

On Valentine’s Day, I organized an all-day PURRtual PALentine’s Day Party on Facebook. Every hour on the hour from 9am until 6pm, a new cat in the sanctuary was “interviewed” on Facebook Live and then a graphic with their photo and our Q&A was posted on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter.

Throughout the week leading up to the event, I posted funny outtake photos from our Valentine’s Day photo shoot…


“To celebrate PALentine’s Day, we were super excited to take love-themed glamour shots of our kitties so we could fill the internet with exactly what it’s missing… MORE CAT PHOTOS!

“But, it turns out that taking cat photos is harder than it looks. So, we’re switching to Plan B and now we will be celebrating PALentine’s Day by filling the internet with exactly what it’s missing… MORE CAT VIDEOS!

“From 9am until 5:30pm on February 14th, be sure to tune in every hour on the hour when we will be interviewing Purrfect Pals kitties on Facebook Live! This will be reality TV at its finest since, when it comes to script reading, cats do what they want, when they want, IF they want to.”